Monday, June 1, 2009

Too cool for Pre-School

Avery graduated from Pre-school. Here is the graduation annoncement that she sent home:

There is a picture of Me on the left and Mitchell on the right and then on the back is a picture of all five of the kids. She asked me repeately if we were going and I assured her that we were. She was very, very excited to say the least!

When the day of graduation finially arrived she actually had Ms. Dani call me to ensure that I remembered. Which I had! You would think that I was irresponsible and forget things all the time or something...which I really dont! (at least about my kids things) I think Avery was just THAT excited.

The program was really cute. They sang all their little songs and showed off the things that they had learned this year. Stone and Phoenix went directly outside and played on the playground equipment until refreshments were served as they were apparently not that interested in the Pre-school program...I was loving it. There was a twinge of Mitchell's absence as he so would have been there but he was not and so I just got twice as excited for us both~

Avery then asked me to take pictures with her and some of her friends and she ate refreshments. Avery loves Ms. Dani. I am not quite sure if Kindergarden is ready for the likes of Avery without the child whisperer! (That's what we call Ms. Dani b/c of her unique skills with "unique" children)

Avery... Congrats and Good luck Baby...I am so proud of you!


Q'ner said...

How cute is that... Congrats Avery. You are getting so big! Love you!!!

Lisa said...

Kindergarten, here she comes!