Monday, January 28, 2008

Catching Up

Life lately has been a bit of a blur. The twins are sleeping a whole lot less. You know, having Preemies did have one real advantage. They were literally sleeping or eating 100% of the time for their first four months of life. This was great for a while but we all knew that eventually they would wake up and begin living life. I am so enjoying getting to know their cute little distinct personalities. With that being said they are now awake and therefore the real work begins!

A few days after Christmas we separated Zion and Cy during bedtime. I don't know that it was completely necessary yet, but Cy is a bit of a bed hog and Zion seemed to be sleeping off the edge of the crib. They also had gone through a bit of a growth spurt and they just began to look a little crowded. I was an emotional wreck, but as most Mommy moments go...they didn't seem to mind at all. They can still hear each other and in the morning we can see them (we have one of those TV monitors) lifting up their heads and "talking" to each other.

I just had to post these pictures... Mitchell's Aunt Rose bought the kids these jammies for Christmas. She was so great and on top of things. She actually gave them to us a month or so prior so that we would have them in time for Christmas. Me... being me had forgotten about them and found them about a week or so after. I must give myself props though at least I found them again while they still fit in them and somewhat during the season for which they were actually bought :)

I cannot believe that I have a son old enough to participate in the Pinewood Derby! I recall many years of my Dad and brothers working on those cars and now busy in the garage are my Husband and son working away at their project. The girls hovering by the door wanting to know why Stone gets to do a "special" project with Dad. Mom trying to bribe the girls with the making of cookies as a "special" project with Mom. It's just doesn't seem to be the same as they make cookies with me every other week. Stone didn't place and wasn't too happy about it either as he was heard asking for a Step-Dad so that he could win next year. LOL. He apparently has his mothers sportsmanship skills. A trip to Friendly's and a promise to try again next year seems to have helps sooth his bitter feelings.