Thursday, May 14, 2009

First Kisses

Playing with the twins after church on February 22nd and trying to get before pictures of Zion prior to cutting off his hair. I found out that he developed a new talent when you make a kissy face and make a "mmmm" sound....


Here Zion is sporting the new haircut. Mitchell tried to tell me it was not going to look good. I am really glad I got to prove him wrong while he was alive to see! We both agreed he so handsome and looked like such a big boy with a haircut! This was a picture taken in late April. The twins are amazing. They can come down the steps. Zion turns around and slides down on his belly while Cy sits on her butt and takes in one step bump on her butt to the next one. They have about the same vocabulary. They are either speaking twin gibberish to each other which they really do understand or they can say Daddy or Dada, Mommy or Moma, SeeYa (with a 1/2 a hand hand wave), bye bye (with fingers wiggling) No or Uh Uh Uhhhh, Cheese (when a camera comes out...but not to eat), and Thank you. I tell you these are some of the most precious long as I keep them in the house and on their routine...I know spoiled, spoiled, spoiled...but sanity has it's price and their are days when I am willing to pay it!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

What cuties! I love the haircut! I'm sure it's much easier to deal with now.