For all of those who know are aware of the particular situation which was planned to come to a head this morning at 10am. I will let you know that all is back to normal in the Mitchell home!
Everyone is fine...and always has been.
I am again humbled by the power of our Father in Heaven and the protection that is provided in our lives.
We, as mothers of this generation, are certainly raising the Stripling Warrior's of our day and the Great Deceiver will do all in his power to bring down those Mighty Spirits which will stand and receive their Savior on that great day. We can rest in the peace that our Father protects His plan...and we are each a large and mighty part of that great plan!
No matter how difficult the trial. When the smoke clears and the eternal perspective is revealed the gift always far surpasses the glitch in time. It always returns to faith. It is hard to try and control your spinning world and have Faith at the same time...I might even say it is impossible...and I believe that is part of the plan we must submit and hand the control to our Father and try our best to cope with the stress (note the name of the "day of" coping skill...a migraine and a trip to throw-up)
I must take this opportunity to express gratitude again for my amazing friends!
Those who called the morning of and let me know I was being watched out have no brought the Spirit to the whole situation...I so was in need of you! Without you we would not have had the experience that we did.
Those of you who hung out with me at all hours and allowed my mind not to "think" and completely allowed me to share my favorite TV shows, talk, and of course when stresses...make and bake all day! (that would have meant something completely different 15 years ago but now it means
Those of you who walk with me and let me vent all my emotions in our "safe zone".
Those of you who allow me my anti-social behavior during stress yet still love me! There are some people who would so be insulted when I stand them up, not call them back, and not follow the "polite" social norms.
Those of you who don't know what is going on but are now intrigued, concerned, and relieved and love me and my family enough to be!
You will have to count me in the last category. I am glad to hear that relief is called for.
I will gladly come over anytime you need to "bake". It was delicious and I think it will forever be the most comfy bed I've ever slept in.
I am one who doesn't know what's happening but I hope all is OK!
I wish I could have partaken of the baking but I'm glad I had a part in your peace. SO grateful for answered prayers. I think your turn is over for hard trials, let's hope you get a nice long break!
I am soooo happy that everything is "peaceful" again. What an experience. I think you've had your share for a while.
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