Thursday, April 3, 2008

Going Once...Going Twice...

For those mothers who believe that their children are their sole enjoyment in life and the only reason for which they wake in the morning. I warn you this is not the post for you and you may want to excuse yourself right now! I for one love my children and with that being said would like to sell them to the highest bidder! Going once...Going twice...

What?...No one interested in an eight year old child who "borrows" his parents cell phone's and logs onto the Internet playing hours and hours of video games without anyones knowledge and then when asked how much he thinks the bill for that is looks me straight in the eye with straight sarcasm and a bend of the upper lip and says "what a million dollars" (It was ONLY $350...but like we have an extra $350 lying around for Stone's gaming pleasures!) not to sound too much like my parents... but does anyone know what my parents would have done to me for such behavior! My only hint is that walking would not have been an option and I certainly wouldn't have opted for sarcasm at that moment either...tears maybe... but definitely not sarcasm!

By the same child we have door swinging from the doorknobs which has subsequently ripped the hinges from the wall. Oh and who could forget the project he undertook one day as he tried to connect his room with his sisters. He decided it would be more fun if he didn't have to use a door but rather "dig" a tunnel from his closet to his sisters closet by taking one of his trophies and hitting the drywall over and over until it made a big enough hole. Luckily the noise factor was working against him and his attempt was quickly brought to a hault. Though the four minutes of damage is still apparent to the drywall.

My dear six year old has again ripped her curtain rod from the wall. Broken a lamp and slowly but methodically taken apart the particle board parts of the nightstand (back and bottom). She has also done the same thing to Avery's baby cradle which she got for her birthday which was nice and quite expensive. I really cannot understand this behavior. She doesn't seem to ever break any thing that belongs to her. Maybe its acting out passive aggressively? Does anyone else see that elephant in the room?

My shower stall door has been broken and one of the babies cribs has been stepped on one too many times and is now stuck down.

I know that this is all just a part of having kids and believe me...I have talked Mitchell off the brink of putting a few children on the market many a time with this very statement. If you have children they will get into everything, break anything, spend every dollar you own, embarrass you, worry you, make you cry, steal your car and probably burn down the house but that's just the way it is and quite frankly you really should expect it because the more you expect the better of a parent you are.

With all that being said...I can and will deal with all this broken stuff and the bill we will unhappily pay to Verizion...yet why oh why did it happen all in one week and why do I have to walk all though my house into almost every room and see broken crap!

It just seems like so much work and so little time that I have to do what needs to be done...It is just so frustrating. So I will now take my children off of the market and be glad that they are mine once again or at least until the next incident!

Which should be around 30 minutes from now when the bus pulls up...


Lisa said...

WOW! I would totally make Stone pay for at least part of that huge bill! Make him do extra chores or hire him out somewhere! Matthew wouldn't get allowance for at least 15 years for something like that!

Why is it that the qualities that make an amazing, creative, successful adult are so difficult to deal with in a child? It makes a parents' job so much harder!

You know that Stone will be famous someday for something awesome he's done. Like some great invention or even breaking out of jail!

erinmalia said... should have warned new mothers like myself as well! things like this scare the CRAP out of me about having kids.

Chris said... are so right Lisa and Erin no one warns you because most people have a tendancy to either (A) believe that THEY would NEVER have a child like that or (B) believe and choose to actually never have children... but I will let you in on a little secret...there REALLY are some people who dont have children like this. I for one did not believe this to actually be true until recently...simply because I had three "challenging" children and just figured that everyone else did too. If anyone said that it anything but a challenge for them I just figured they must be lying...I cant really explain where the realization came from and when but I now realize that there are some families who would have no clue what goes on in our lives and who's children would never even imagine to do the things that my children do...but they really wont cure cancer or break out of jail as Lisa has so humorously pointed out! and though I become frusterated and must constantly be on my toes I must say my life is NEVER boring and I wouldnt trade any of their amazing personalities for any non-breaking, non-cellphone using, tunnel making child out there...At least not yet :)

Chris said...

PS. Mitchell got the cell phone company to waive all charges on the bill and we cancelled all access to the internet from our phones as we never used it ourselves anyway. We also perminately conviscated his Nintendo DS...If he's lucky maybe Santa will bring him the same one for Christmas again this :)

Lisa said...

Chris, Chris, Chris - I am glad to hear that you won't be paying all that money! I don't envy you!

I think your kids are brillant that's why they are such a handful!!

Lórien said...

WOW - that is a TON of $$$ for internet use! But, I just saw that somehow it is waived so thank goodness on that.

Taste of Champaign said...

whoa, that's about all i have to say about that.

seriously, i hate phases like this. although my phase is where we moved into a house that has so many things that need to be fixed, and i have no one to's already been two years. aghhh

Q'ner said...

LOL... I guess your life was not stressful enough. I'm so sorry... what has gotten into him and them?? I'll remember though when I'm back there that I need to borrow your phone and I'll just blame it on Stone... ;)