Sunday, December 16, 2007

Happy 4th Birthday Avery!

Just a bit Blogger late...We actually did celebrate on time.

My dear Avery is four. I love it! To all those who haven't had the privilege let me explain the cocktail to which makes up my beautiful daughter. She is first and for most hilarious. The things which come out of her mouth...crack me up! Second she is sweet. If she decides she likes you she will call you her "best friend" and check with you often to ensure her ongoing status. She then talks about you, wants to call you, and makes up stories about you. It doesn't even matter to her how old you are. Some of her better "best friends" are above 30. The third part of Avery is Scary :) She will tell you where to put it, how to put it, and if you don't do it quick enough for her liking suggest if she could put it for you. I will give you a example which is why I included her purple birthday cake into the birthday picture selections below. Avery went into her Four Year Old Check up a bit ago and began her normal spilling her guts sessions to anyone who will listen to her speak. The nice nurse taking her height and weight asked her what type of birthday cake she would be choosing this year. She informed her "purple". The nurse looked at me. I nodded that was correct. No Barbie, No Dora...Just Purple...Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining just stating the facts. So the nurse looked back at her and said "well what flavor is purple" Avery gave her the nastiest look like "you idiot" and said "Purple!" That's my girl...Scary!

Ps...The cake flavor was


Megan said...

I hope the cake tasted "purple" enough for Avery.

Lisa said...

she sounds like a character!

KuhnieClan said...

Avery, I hope i am still your best friend ... you know you will always be mine. PS. Brookelynn misses you and wants to see you soon. Maybe we can actually come visit you soon!
Your favorite uncle, jason!

Q'ner said...

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I miss and love you Avery!!